Only hereditary diseases of the blood coagulation system (hemophilia A and B) can contraindicate. In other cases, the patient is allowed to undergo tests without special preparation.
We conduct a genetic investigation of the material of persons over the age of 14.
Yes, you can pass a DNA test even if you got sick. Your genes are solely examined throughout the investigation.
DNA decryption data will appear in your Personal Account as soon as the investigation is completed. You can download the full report in a convenient text format, which will contain information on genome and recommendations for disease prevention.
Yes, of course, you can. Fill out the application online and our consultant will contact you to answer all your questions.
Dictionary of terms
Genetics is a science studying heredity and variability patterns, arising in the development of every living organism. Humans are capable of transmitting their genetic material by heredity, which makes it possible to retain common features specific to a particular species. However, traits may change in response to external influences (lifestyle, nutrition, climate conditions) leading to a mutation on the genetic level. It is such a diversity of variations that makes the human genome even more difficult to study.
The human genome is a complex of all the hereditary material, contained in every cell in the human body. It is made up of 23 chromosome pairs and contains about 25 thousand active genes. The total number of genes in a genome is about 100 thousand, but only 1,5% of them are active, meaning able to encode proteins and enzymes. The rest are entities which function has not yet been determined (repeats, transposons and pseudogenes).
Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is one of the structural elements of the cell, whose primary functions are storing, transmitting and implementation of the human body development program. It is in there all the biologically significant data are encoded in the form of the genetic code - unique nucleotide sequence (organic compounds), which determines the individual peculiarities of each human.
A gene is a stretch of DNA. Some gene segments (alleles) are responsible for the transmission of hereditary traits from parents to offspring, while others are responsible for cell growth and activity. The function of the gene is to set the protein structure through coding the amino acid sequence in it. That is exactly why each individual has certain qualities that are not peculiar to other humans. There are two types of genes – structural and functional. The former is responsible for protein synthesis, and the latter code it for performing certain functions.
Polymorphic genes are those genes having mutations, which exactly provide a variety of traits within the species. The differences between the regions of the same genes (their alleles) are a very extensive genetic polymorphism, which has millions of variations. Changes can occur in a person’s appearance or be latent, causing a predisposition to certain hereditary diseases or physical inclinations.
Many diseases are hereditary; therefore, they are transmitted from generation to generation. A genetic predisposition to certain diseases (e.g., oncology, diabetes) is caused by damage to the genome. They are mutations in certain genes that are responsible for the synthesis of proteins and enzymes, and are also involved in the process of cell division and metabolism. Defects can be congenital or acquired. In the former case, they are transmitted from parents, in the latter - they arise during the life course under the influence of adverse factors.
A risk factor is a certain feature of the human body that increases the likelihood of developing a disease, injury or addiction. Pathological processes in the body are triggered by a combination of several adverse factors - environmental conditions, deleterious habits and the genetic characteristics of the individual. Awareness of your predisposition to certain diseases can help to adjust your lifestyle and reduce the likelihood of developing the disease.
Pharmacogenetics is a branch of science that arose at the boundary between medical genetics and clinical pharmacology. It deals with studying the hereditary basis of the variability of the effects of medicinal drugs that get into the human body. The primary objective of this direction is matching the most effective and safe medications that do not cause complications or adverse reactions. Genetic testing will prevent adverse consequences caused by using the wrong medications.
Nutrigenetics is a science that studies the metabolism peculiarities of the human body, depending on the food consumed. Knowing about the individual requirement for certain vitamins and substances will help to create a personalized diet aimed at normalizing weight, or pick up a treatment plan. By passing genetic testing, a person receives information about their predisposition to excess or deficiency of essential vitamin-mineral complexes.
Psychogenetics affords a person the opportunity to learn about its predisposition to stress, extreme emotional swings and mental disorders of various degrees of severity. The external environment impact (social conditions, economic environment, bad habits) in the presence of certain genes defects can cause serious mental illness. Awareness of its tendency to alcohol, nicotine, drug addiction and other pathologies, a person can promptly seek the support of a specialist.
There are several types of chronotype. The most popular and convenient is the classification with the allocation of three types - “larks”, “pigeons” and “owls”. It is the chronotype that determines a person’s ability to adapt to different rhythms of social life. Knowing your predisposition to a particular category will allow you to correctly plan physical and intellectual activity, in response to the individual specific features of the organism. This will help to significantly increase productivity and avoid overwork.
Each substance that gets into the human body split, whereafter its derivatives are excreted naturally. The whole process is regulated by a detoxification system, which is responsible for the synthesis of enzymes and proteins necessary for the processing and transporting substances. Genetic polymorphisms impact the detoxification system in different ways - some mutations accelerate the metabolism, others - reduce the enzyme activity. By passing genetic testing, a person can become aware of how effectively their body will cope with toxic metabolic products.
Food intolerance is the inability of the body to assimilate some kind of food. It is difficult to detect in regular laboratories, which is why patients face problems with treatment efficiency. The best preventive measure is DNA testing, based on the results of which you can find out if a person has a genetic predisposition for intolerance to particular products, and to receive recommendations for dietary changes.
Modern methods enable the asses of the degree of kinship between people on both the maternal and paternal line through studies of mitochondrial DNA or changes in the Y chromosome. Individuals whose genetic relations were identified by the analysis are assigned to a particular haplogroup. Such a group composes several haplotypes, identifying one common ancestor, with the first mutation of a gene transmitted by inheritance.
Monogenic diseases arise if there are heritable mutations in genes. In some cases, birth defects are detected in several gene segments (alleles), which causes a certain disease. The cause of multifactorial diseases lies in the combination of external (nutrition, lifestyle, deleterious habits) and genetic factors. After passing the DNA test, a person can become aware of all the possible predispositions to monogenic and multifactorial diseases, which allows taking early prevention measures or the timely treatment initiation.
Website and security
All connections to our website are protected by the HTTPS protocol, which eliminates any data leakage. Non-disclosure of any customer information is governed by the privacy policy.
It is necessary, and here’s why. Before passing the genetic test, you fill out a short questionnaire in which you must specify your basic personal data required to draw up a contract. After passing the analysis, you will receive your personal number (ID) and password (the latter can be changed at any time in the “Profile Settings” section). By entering your ID and password into the window that appears after clicking the “Personal Account” button, you can monitor the status of your genetic passport preparation process. After the document is delivered personally to you by courier, it will be enough to scan the chip/QR code with your smartphone and enter the password to log in to your Personal Account.
To restore access, click the “Personal Account” button on the Home Page of the site. Then follow the “Restore access” link and carry out further instructions.
Для начала зайдите в личный кабинет на сайте. В меню данной страницы Вы сможете скачать/распечатать результаты всего генетического теста сразу или только отдельных его разделов (питание, болезни, происхождение)
No, you can not. The user's Personal Account is a trove personal information; thus, it cannot be owned by several users. Each customer undergoing genetic testing must have their personal email.
Cost and terms
Fill out an online application and our consultant will and make an appointment for testing at the most opportune time.
The price list is available on the Home Page
of the site in the “Prices” section.
You can pay for processing the genetic passport in the laboratory upon passing the genetic test. We provide the option of payment by installments. You can receive information on the amount and frequency of payments in case installment conditions by calling +4 037 170 00 56.
The document is delivered by courier to your indicated address within 120 days from the date of passing the analysis. Within a day after passing the genetic test, you can begin to monitor the status of your genetic passport preparation process in your Personal Account, where the results of DNA decryption will be available once the document is delivered personally to you.
Yes, such an option is available. To know the conditions for additional DNA tests, please contact Genobiosis by calling +4 037 170 00 56 and the clinic administrator will consult you in this regard.
About GenobiosisGenobiosis
Bioengineers, doctors from various medical fields, and experts in genetics and high technology work on the processing of a genetic passport. We have 6 candidates of medical sciences and 3 doctors of medical sciences on board who implement the concept of personalized medicine into clinical practice.
Genobiosis Laboratory operates under a medical license.
Yes, we have our own team of specialists, and our medical laboratory is supplied with modern equipment, thus guaranteeing high accuracy and reliability of the results.