Time and again each person suffering from excess weight tried to lose weight in a specific period. Mastering all your will power, you buy a gym membership and begin eating by super-efficient methods of nutritionists, spending a lot of money on their guidances. You exhaust yourself with hard training and eat on a schedule to see the cherished figures on the scales. Noticing the result, you are happy about it. There comes a period of self-contentment.
Exhausted by a rigorous diet and tired of the intense exercise in the gym, 80% of those who lost weight от всякого рода «марафонов» gain lost kilograms in 3 weeks and, as a rule, add a couple more. Why? The reason is severe body stress and misunderstanding the source of their overweight, although doctors have for a long time been talking about it: about genetics.
Heredity predetermines 70% of your body the specific features. What should you eat, drink, what diseases to beware of is well known before your birth.'